Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Low Calorie Yogurt Cheesecake

This is one of the most delicious and easy recipe I have tried in the last few months. After months of trying to master the skill of making french maroons, I was happy to find an easy and delicious recipe to make a cheesecake!
I adapted this recipe for this recipe and it turned out amazing

2 cups of yogurt (I used plain fat free organic yogurt)
1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 Tbsp flour ( I had some rice flour and it is a great substitute for corn starch)
Pinch of salt
Pinch of Cardamom (I used it as a flavoring agent instead of vanilla. It provides an Indian touch)

For Crust
15-20 Graham crackers 
2-3 Tbsp of milk

 For the crust, just crush the graham crackers in a blender and add the milk
Make a layer of crust in a pie dish by pressing the graham cracker mixture by your fingers

Now mix all the other ingredients in the blender and combine them

Pour the yogurt mixture in the pie crust
Pre-heat over to 375 deg C and bake the cheesecake for 30 min or so.
When done, the cheesecake is jiggly at the center and starts to pull away from the edges.
Remove from the oven, cool it for hour or so and voila! Yogurt cheesecake is done!

Trust me, this is divine. The yogurt gives it the creamy texture of a true cheesecake and the graham cracker crust provides necessary crunch!

Quick Chicken Stirfry

I always tend to use any leftovers and come up with interesting recipes. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Well this time it worked!
I had some leftover grilled chicken (I am vegetarian, this was a result of a potluck) and green beans. The result was a great StirFry

Leftover grilled chicken
Green Beans 
1 small onion diced
Garlic paste (I had paste, but you can use chopped garlic as well)
Sesame seeds

Sauce (proportions according to your taste)
Soy sauce
Vinegar (I used red wine vinegar, but any vinegar will work)
Sriracha sauce

I don't like crunchy green beans, so I blanched them in hot water for a min or two. If you want, feel free to use them directly in the stir fry. 
Mix all the sauce ingredients and keep it ready.
Heat the oil in the pan, saute some garlic and onions. Add green beans and chicken.
Stir them for a min or so and add the sauce.
Continue to stir and add the sesame seeds.
That's it Chicken Stirfry is done!!
Simple, tasty and easy.

Healthy Beet Juice

Recently I got hooked onto the fruit and vegetable juices, not only store-bought but also home-made. This refreshing juice had fruits and vegetables that were readily available at my place

2 Beets (peeled)
few carrots
1 Apple
Ginger (as per taste)
Salt (as per taste)

The juice was great, but interesting part was instead of throwing away the pulp, I used it to make a great bread/cake.

2 cups pulp
2 cups wheat flour (I don't like to use all-purpose flour)
1 egg
1 1/2 cup sugar
few walnuts for the crunch
Bake the cake in 350C oven till a knife comes off clean (20 min or so)

I was amazed at how tasty it turned out. So next time you make juice, try to use the pulp. Trust me it will be great!